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Partonomy list |
FMA | TA | UID | ISA |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
24142 | 894 | tax |
ossa membri superioris (par)
bones of upper limb (pair)
23217 | 895 | tax |
cingulum pectorale (par) ; cingulum membri superioris (par)
pectoral girdle (pair) ; shoulder girdle (pair)
13394 | 896 | tax |
scapula (par) P3 74 children
scapula (pair)
23227 | 897 | tax |
facies costalis scapulae (par) ; facies anterior scapulae (par)
costal surface of scapula (pair)
299215 | 898 | tax |
fossa subscapularis (par)
subscapular fossa (pair)
23230 | 899 | tax |
facies posterior scapulae (par)
posterior surface of scapula (pair)
298302 | 902 | tax |
fossa supraspinata (par)
supraspinous fossa (pair)
299241 | 903 | tax |
fossa infraspinata (par)
infraspinous fossa (pair)
13453 | 900 | tax |
spina scapulae (par)
spine of scapula (pair)
23278 | 901 | tax |
tuberculum deltoideum (par)
deltoid tubercle (pair)
23260 | 904 | tax |
acromion (par)
acromion (pair)
63568 | 905 | tax |
facies articularis claviculae (par)
clavicular facet (pair)
23257 | 906 | tax |
angulus acromii (par)
acromial angle (pair)
63549 | 907 | tax |
margo medialis scapulae (par)
medial border of scapula (pair)
63548 | 908 | tax |
margo lateralis scapulae (par)
lateral border of scapula (pair)
63553 | 909 | tax |
margo superior scapulae (par)
superior border of scapula (pair)
17368 | tax |
incisura superior scapulae (par)
superior scapular notch (pair)
17369 | tax |
incisura inferior scapulae (par)
inferior scapular notch (pair)
13315 | 911 | tax |
angulus inferior (par)
inferior angle (pair)
23249 | 912 | tax |
angulus lateralis (par)
lateral angle (pair)
23809 | 17370 | tax |
processus glenoidalis (par)
glenoid process (pair)
23248 | 913 | tax |
angulus superior (par)
superior angle (pair)
23275 | 914 | tax |
cavitas glenoidalis (par)
glenoid cavity (pair)
23266 | 916 | tax |
tuberculum infraglenoidale (par)
infraglenoid tubercle (pair)
23263 | 915 | tax |
tuberculum supraglenoidale (par)
supraglenoid tubercle (pair)
63563 | 917 | tax |
collum scapulae (par)
neck of scapula (pair)
13455 | 918 | tax |
processus coracoideus (par)
coracoid process (pair)
13321 | 919 | tax |
clavicula (par) P3 32 children
clavicle (pair)
23297 | 920 | tax |
extremitas sternalis (par)
sternal extremity (pair)
23334 | 921 | tax |
facies articularis sternalis (par)
sternal facet (pair)
75810 | 922 | tax |
impressio ligamenti costoclavicularis (par)
impression of costoclavicular ligament (pair)
23294 | 923 | tax |
corpus claviculae (par)
body of clavicle (pair) ; shaft of clavicle (pair)
23343 | 924 | tax |
sulcus musculi subclavii (par)
subclavian groove (pair); groove of musculus subclavius (pair)
23300 | 925 | tax |
extremitas acromialis (par)
acromial extremity (pair)
23340 | 926 | tax |
facies articularis acromialis (par)
acromial facet (pair)
75811 | 927 | tax |
tuberositas ligamenti coracoacromialis (par)
tuberosity of coracoacromial ligament (pair)
23322 | 928 | tax |
tuberculum conoideum (par)
conoid tubercle (pair)
74586 | 929 | tax |
linea trapezoidea (par)
trapezoid line (pair)
24139 | 930 | tax |
ossa partis liberae membri superioris (par)
bones of free upper limb (pair)
13303 | 931 | tax |
humerus (par) P3 89 children
humerus (pair)
13304 | 932 | tax |
caput humeri (par)
head of humerus (pair)
23356 | 933 | tax |
collum anatomicum humeri (par)
anatomical neck of humerus (pair)
23359 | 934 | tax |
collum chirurgicum humeri (par)
surgical neck of humerus (pair)
23390 | 935 | tax |
tuberculum majus humeri (par)
greater tubercle of humerus (pair); greater tuberosity of humerus (pair)
23393 | 936 | tax |
tuberculum minus humeri (par)
lesser tubercle of humerus (pair); lesser tuberosity of humerus (pair)
74573 | 937 | tax |
sulcus intertubercularis humeri (par)
intertubercular sulcus of humerus (pair) ; bicipital groove of humerus (pair)
74574 | 938 | tax |
crista tuberculi majoris humeri (par) ; labium laterale (par)
crest of greater tubercle of humerus (pair) ; lateral lip (pair)
74575 | 939 | tax |
crista tuberculi minoris humeri (par) ; labium mediale humeri (par)
crest of lesser tubercle of humerus (pair) ; medial lip of humerus (pair)
13305 | 940 | tax |
corpus humeri (par)
shaft of humerus (pair); body of humerus (pair)
75158 | 941 | tax |
facies anteromedialis humeri (par)
anteromedial surface of humerus (pair)
75159 | 942 | tax |
facies anterolateralis humeri (par)
anterolateral surface of humerus (pair)
75160 | 943 | tax |
facies posterior humeri (par)
posterior surface of humerus (pair)
23417 | 944 | tax |
sulcus nervi radialis (par)
groove of radial nerve (pair)
75075 | 945 | tax |
margo medialis corporis humeri (par)
medial border of shaft of humerus (pair)
75076 | 946 | tax |
crista supraepicondylaris medialis (par) ; crista supracondylaris medialis (par)
medial supraepicondylar crest (pair) ; medial supracondylar ridge (pair)
75815 | 947 | tax |
(processus supracondylaris (par) )
(supracondylar process (pair) )
75077 | 948 | tax |
margo lateralis corporis humeri (par)
lateral border of shaft of humerus (pair)
75078 | 949 | tax |
crista supraepicondylaris lateralis (par) ; crista supracondylaris lateralis (par)
lateral supraepicondylar crest (pair) ; lateral supracondylar ridge (pair)
23418 | 950 | tax |
tuberositas deltoidea (par)
deltoid tuberosity (pair)
23377 | 951 | tax |
condylus humeri (par)
condyle of humerus (pair)
23373 | 952 | tax |
capitulum humeri (par)
capitulum of humerus (pair)
23370 | 953 | tax |
trochlea humeri (par)
trochlea of humerus (pair)
23450 | 954 | tax |
fossa olecrani (par)
fossa of olecranon (pair)
23451 | 955 | tax |
fossa coronoidea (par)
coronoid fossa (pair)
17371 | tax |
(foramen supratrochleare (par) )
(supratrochlear foramen (pair) )
23452 | 956 | tax |
fossa radialis (par)
radial fossa (pair)
23441 | 957 | tax |
epicondylus medialis humeri (par)
medial epicondyle of humerus (pair)
75340 | 958 | tax |
sulcus nervi ulnaris (par)
groove of ulnar nerve (pair)
23442 | 959 | tax |
epicondylus lateralis humeri (par)
lateral epicondyle of humerus (pair)
23463 | 960 | tax |
radius (par) P3 68 children
radius (pair)
33773 | 961 | tax |
caput radii (par)
head of radius (pair)
39817 | 962 | tax |
fovea articularis capitis radii (par)
articular fovea of head of radius (pair)
39816 | 963 | tax |
circumferentia articularis (par)
articular circumference (pair)
23479 | 964 | tax |
collum radii (par)
neck of radius (pair)
33782 | 965 | tax |
corpus radii (par)
shaft of radius (pair); body of radius (pair)
23489 | 966 | tax |
tuberositas radii (par)
radial tuberosity (pair)
75161 | 967 | tax |
facies anterior radii (par)
anterior surface of radius (pair)
75162 | 968 | tax |
facies posterior radii (par)
posterior surface of radius (pair)
75163 | 969 | tax |
facies lateralis radii (par)
lateral surface of radius (pair)
23513 | 970 | tax |
tuberositas pronatoria radii (par)
pronatory tuberosity of radius (pair)
39682 | 971 | tax |
margo interosseus radii (par)
interosseous border of radius (pair)
17372 | tax |
tuberositas interossea radii (par)
interosseous tuberosity of radius (pair)
75084 | 972 | tax |
margo anterior radii (par)
anterior border of radius (pair)
75085 | 973 | tax |
margo posterior radii (par)
posterior border of radius (pair)
23524 | 974 | tax |
processus styloideus radii (par)
styloid process of radius (pair)
75081 | 975 | tax |
crista suprastyloidea radii (par)
suprastyloid crest of radius (pair)
23527 | 976 | tax |
tuberculum dorsale radii (par)
dorsal tubercle of radius (pair)
977 | tax |
sulci tendinum musculorum extensorum (par)
grooves for extensor muscle tendons
75082 | 978 | tax |
incisura ulnaris radii (par)
ulnar notch of radius (pair)
23535 | 979 | tax |
facies articularis carpalis radii (par)
carpal articular surface of radius (pair)
17373 | tax |
faciecula scaphoidea (par)
scaphoid facet (pair)
17374 | tax |
faciecula lunata (par)
lunate facet (pair)
23466 | 980 | tax |
ulna (par) P3 56 children
ulna (pair)
39795 | 981 | tax |
olecranon (par)
olecranon (pair)
23616 | 982 | tax |
processus coronoideus ulnae (par)
coronoid process of ulna (pair)
23617 | 983 | tax |
tuberositas ulnae (par)
tuberosity of ulna (pair)
23618 | 984 | tax |
incisura radialis ulnae (par)
radial notch of ulna (pair)
23619 | 985 | tax |
incisura trochlearis ulnae (par)
trochlear notch of ulna (pair)
17375 | tax |
tuberculum sublime (par)
sublime tubercle (pair)
33760 | 986 | tax |
corpus ulnae (par)
shaft of ulna (pair); body of ulna (pair)
75164 | 987 | tax |
facies anterior corporis ulnae (par)
anterior surface of shaft of ulna (pair)
75165 | 988 | tax |
facies posterior corporis ulnae (par)
posterior surface of shaft of ulna (pair)
75166 | 989 | tax |
facies medialis corporis ulnae (par)
medial surface of shaft of ulna (pair)
39685 | 990 | tax |
margo interosseus corporis ulnae (par)
interosseous border of shaft of ulna (pair)
17377 | tax |
tuberositas interossea ulnae (par)
interosseous tuberosity of ulna (pair)
75084 | 991 | tax |
margo anterior corporis ulnae (par)
anterior border of shaft of ulna (pair)
75085 | 992 | tax |
margo posterior corporis ulnae (par)
posterior border of shaft of ulna (pair)
75086 | 993 | tax |
crista musculi supinatoris (par)
supinator crest (pair)
33751 | 994 | tax |
caput ulnae (par)
head of ulna (pair)
75087 | 995 | tax |
circumferentia articularis capitis ulnae (par)
articular circumference of head of ulna (pair)
23628 | 996 | tax |
processus styloideus ulnae (par)
ulnar styloid process (pair)
997 | tax |
ossa manus (par)
bones of hand (pair)
23889 | 998 | tax |
ossa carpi (par) ; ossa carpalia P3 41 children
bones of wrist (pair) ; carpal bones (pair)
321692 | 999 | tax |
(os centrale (par) )
(central bone (pair) )
23709 | 1000 | tax |
os scaphoideum (par)
scaphoid (pair)
23759 | 1001 | tax |
tuberculum ossis scaphoidei (par)
tubercle of scaphoid (pair)
23712 | 1002 | tax |
os lunatum (par)
lunate (pair)
23715 | 1003 | tax |
os triquetrum (par)
triquetrum (pair)
23718 | 1004 | tax |
os pisiforme (par)
pisiform (pair)
23721 | 1005 | tax |
os trapezium (par)
trapezium (pair)
39721 | 1006 | tax |
tuberculum ossis trapezii (par)
tubercle of trapezium (pair)
23724 | 1007 | tax |
os trapezoideum (par)
trapezoid (pair)
23727 | 1008 | tax |
os capitatum (par)
capitate (pair)
23730 | 1009 | tax |
os hamatum (par)
hamate (pair)
39978 | 1010 | tax |
hamulus ossis hamati (par)
hook of hamate (pair)
74576 | 1011 | tax |
sulcus carpi (par)
carpal groove (pair)
9612 | 1012 | tax |
ossa metacarpi I-V; ossa metacarpalia I-V P3 65 children
metacarpals 1-5; metacarpal bones (pair)
1012 |
# os metacarpi ; os metacarpalis
# bone of metacarpus ; metacarpal bone
33795 | 1013 | tax |
basis ossis metacarpi (par)
base of bone of metacarpus (pair)
33804 | 1014 | tax |
corpus ossis metacarpi (par)
body of bone of metacarpus (pair)
33798 | 1015 | tax |
caput ossis metacarpi (par)
head of bone of metacarpus (pair)
23899 | 10846 | tax |
os metacarpale pollicis (par)
metacarpal bone of thumb (pair)
42788 | 11112 | tax |
basis ossis metacarpalis pollicis (par)
base of metacarpal bone of thumb (pair)
42869 | 11113 | tax |
corpus ossis metacarpalis pollicis (par)
body of metacarpal bone of thumb (pair)
42803 | 11114 | tax |
caput ossis metacarpalis pollicis (par)
head of metacarpal bone of thumb (pair)
23900 | 10847 | tax |
os metacarpale digiti secundi (par)
metacarpal bone of index finger (pair)
42791 | 11124 | tax |
basis ossis metacarpalis digiti secundi (par)
base of metacarpal bone of index finger (pair)
42872 | 11128 | tax |
corpus ossis metacarpalis digiti secundi (par)
body of metacarpal bone of index finger (pair)
42806 | 11132 | tax |
caput ossis metacarpalis digiti secundi (par)
head of metacarpal bone of index finger (pair)
23901 | 10859 | tax |
os metacarpale digiti tertii (par)
metacarpal bone of third finger (pair)
42794 | 11136 | tax |
basis ossis metacarpalis digiti tertii (par)
base of metacarpal bone of third finger (pair)
42875 | 11140 | tax |
corpus ossis metacarpalis digiti tertii (par)
body of metacarpal bone of third finger (pair)
42809 | 11144 | tax |
caput ossis metacarpalis digiti tertii (par)
head of metacarpal bone of third finger (pair)
76637 | 1016 | tax |
processus styloideus ossis metacarpalis digiti tertii (par)
styloid process of metacarpal bone of third finger (pair)
23902 | 10863 | tax |
os metacarpale digiti quarti (par)
metacarpal bone of ring finger (pair)
42797 | 11148 | tax |
basis ossis metacarpalis digiti quarti (par)
base of metacarpal bone of ring finger (pair)
42878 | 11152 | tax |
corpus ossis metacarpalis digiti quarti (par)
body of metacarpal bone of ring finger (pair)
41812 | 11156 | tax |
caput ossis metacarpalis digiti quarti (par)
head of metacarpal bone of ring finger (pair)
23903 | 10877 | tax |
os metacarpale digiti minimi (par)
metacarpal bone of little finger (pair)
42800 | 11160 | tax |
basis ossis metacarpalis digiti minimi (par)
base of metacarpal bone of little finger (pair)
42881 | 11164 | tax |
corpus ossis metacarpalis digiti minimi (par)
body of metacarpal bone of little finger (pair)
42815 | 11168 | tax |
caput ossis metacarpalis digiti minimi (par)
head of metacarpal bone of little finger (pair)
23914 | 1017 | tax |
phalanges manus (par) ; ossa digitorum P3 239 children
phalanges of hand (pair) ; bone of fingers (pair)
1017 |
# phalanx manus ; os digitorum manus
# phalanx of hand ; bone of fingers
226482 | 1022 | tax |
basis phalangis manus (par)
base of phalanx of hand (pair)
326478 | 1023 | tax |
corpus phalangis manus (par)
shaft of phalanx of hand (pair)
226577 | 1024 | tax |
caput phalangis manus (par)
head of phalanx of hand (pair)
76633 | 1025 | tax |
trochlea phalangis manus (par)
trochlea of phalanx of hand (pair)
75816 | 1018 | tax |
phalanges proximales manus (par) P4 77 children
proximal phalanges of hand (pair)
23918 | 10879 | tax |
phalanx proximalis pollicis (par)
proximal phalanx of thumb (pair)
37490 | 11725 | tax |
basis phalangis proximalis pollicis (par)
base of proximal phalanx of thumb (pair)
40302 | 11730 | tax |
corpus phalangis proximalis pollicis (par)
body of proximal phalanx of thumb (pair)
37606 | 11731 | tax |
caput phalangis proximalis pollicis (par)
head of proximal phalanx of thumb (pair)
11732 | tax |
trochlea phalangis proximalis pollicis (par)
trochlea of proximal phalanx of thumb (pair)
23919 | 10868 | tax |
phalanx proximalis digiti secundi (par)
proximal phalanx of index finger (pair)
37499 | 11726 | tax |
basis phalangis proximalis digiti secundi (par)
base of proximal phalanx of index finger (pair)
37557 | 11733 | tax |
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti secundi (par)
body of proximal phalanx of index finger (pair)
37615 | 11734 | tax |
caput phalangis proximalis digiti secundi (par)
head of proximal phalanx of index finger (pair)
11735 | tax |
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti secundi (par)
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of index finger (pair)
23920 | 10882 | tax |
phalanx proximalis digiti tertii (par)
proximal phalanx of third finger (pair)
37515 | 11727 | tax |
basis phalangis proximalis digiti tertii (par)
base of proximal phalanx of third finger (pair)
37569 | 11736 | tax |
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti tertii (par)
body of proximal phalanx of third finger (pair)
37627 | 11737 | tax |
caput phalangis proximalis digiti tertii (par)
head of proximal phalanx of third finger (pair)
11738 | tax |
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti tertii (par)
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of third finger (pair)
23921 | 10883 | tax |
phalanx proximalis digiti quarti (par)
proximal phalanx of ring finger (pair) ▲
37523 | 11728 | tax |
basis phalangis proximalis digiti quarti (par)
base of proximal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
37581 | 11739 | tax |
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti quarti (par)
body of proximal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
37639 | 11740 | tax |
caput phalangis proximalis digiti quarti (par)
head of proximal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
11741 | tax |
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti quarti (par)
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
23922 | 10884 | tax |
phalanx proximalis digiti minimi (par)
proximal phalanx of little finger (pair)
37535 | 11729 | tax |
basis phalangis proximalis digiti minimi (par)
base of proximal phalanx of little finger (pair)
37593 | 11742 | tax |
corpus phalangis proximalis digiti minimi (par)
body of proximal phalanx of little finger (pair)
37650 | 11743 | tax |
caput phalangis proximalis digiti minimi (par)
head of proximal phalanx of little finger (pair)
11744 | tax |
trochlea capitis phalangis proximalis digiti minimi (par)
trochlea of head of proximal phalanx of little finger (pair)
75817 | 1019 | tax |
phalanges mediae manus (par) P4 62 children
middle phalanges of hand (pair)
23933 | 10885 | tax |
phalanx media digiti secundi (par)
middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
37502 | 11805 | tax |
basis phalangis mediae digiti secundi (par)
base of middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
37560 | 11809 | tax |
corpus phalangis mediae digiti secundi (par)
body of middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
37618 | 11810 | tax |
caput phalangis mediae digiti secundi (par)
head of middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
11811 | tax |
trochlea phalangis mediae digiti secundi (par)
trochlea of middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
23934 | 10886 | tax |
phalanx media digiti tertii (par)
middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
37514 | 11806 | tax |
basis phalangis mediae digiti tertii (par)
base of middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
37572 | 11812 | tax |
corpus phalangis mediae digiti tertii (par)
body of middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
37639 | 11813 | tax |
caput phalangis mediae digiti tertii (par)
head of middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
11814 | tax |
trochlea phalangis mediae digiti tertii (par)
trochlea of middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
23935 | 10888 | tax |
phalanx media digiti quarti (par)
middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
37526 | 11807 | tax |
basis phalangis mediae digiti quarti (par)
base of middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
37584 | 11815 | tax |
corpus phalangis mediae digiti quarti (par)
body of middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
37642 | 11816 | tax |
caput phalangis mediae digiti quarti (par)
head of middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
11817 | tax |
trochlea phalangis mediae digiti quarti (par)
trochlea of middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
23936 | 10889 | tax |
phalanx media digiti minimi (par)
middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
37538 | 11808 | tax |
basis phalangis mediae digiti minimi (par)
base of middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
37596 | 11818 | tax |
corpus phalangis mediae digiti minimi (par)
body of middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
37654 | 11819 | tax |
caput phalangis mediae digiti minimi (par)
head of middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
11820 | tax |
trochlea phalangis mediae digiti minimi (par)
trochlea of middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
75818 | 1020 | tax |
phalanges distales manus (par) P4 95 children
distal phalanges of hand (pair)
1020 |
# phalanx distalis manus
# distal phalanx of hand
76641 | 1021 | tax |
tuberositates phalangis distalis manus (par)
tuberosities of distal phalanx of hand (pair)
23945 | 10890 | tax |
phalanx distalis pollicis (par)
distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
37493 | 11869 | tax |
basis phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
base of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
40304 | 11870 | tax |
corpus phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
body of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
37609 | 11879 | tax |
caput phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
head of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
11880 | tax |
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
11881 | tax |
tuberositas capitis phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
tuberosity of head of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
17210 | tax |
tuberositas phalangis distalis pollicis (par)
tuberosity of distal phalanx of thumb (pair)
23946 | 10891 | tax |
phalanx distalis digiti secundi (par)
distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
37505 | 11871 | tax |
basis phalangis distalis digiti secundi (par)
base of distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
37563 | 11872 | tax |
corpus phalangis distalis digiti secundi (par)
body of distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
37621 | 11891 | tax |
caput phalangis distalis digiti secundi (par)
head of distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
11892 | tax |
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis digiti secundi (par)
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
11893 | tax |
tuberositas capitis phalangis distalis digiti secundi (par)
tuberosity of head of distal phalanx of index finger (pair)
23947 | 10892 | tax |
phalanx distalis digiti tertii (par)
distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
11873 | tax |
basis phalangis distalis digiti tertii (par)
base of distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
37575 | 9635 | tax |
corpus phalangis distalis digiti tertii (par)
body of distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
37633 | 11882 | tax |
caput phalangis distalis digiti tertii (par)
head of distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
11883 | tax |
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis digiti tertii (par)
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
11884 | tax |
tuberositas capitis phalangis distalis digiti tertii (par)
tuberosity of head of distal phalanx of third finger (pair)
23948 | 10893 | tax |
phalanx distalis digiti quarti (par)
distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
11875 | tax |
basis phalangis distalis digiti quarti (par)
base of distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
37587 | 11876 | tax |
corpus phalangis distalis digiti quarti (par)
body of distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
37645 | 11885 | tax |
caput phalangis distalis digiti quarti (par)
head of distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
11886 | tax |
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis digiti quarti (par)
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
11887 | tax |
tuberositas capitis phalangis distalis digiti quarti (par)
tuberosity of head of distal phalanx of ring finger (pair)
23949 | 10894 | tax |
phalanx distalis digiti minimi (par)
distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
11877 | tax |
basis phalangis distalis digiti minimi (par)
base of distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
37599 | 11878 | tax |
corpus phalangis distalis digiti minimi (par)
body of distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
37627 | 11888 | tax |
caput phalangis distalis digiti minimi (par)
head of distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
11889 | tax |
trochlea capitis phalangis distalis digiti minimi (par)
trochlea of head of distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
11890 | tax |
tuberositas capitis phalangis distalis digiti minimi (par)
tuberosity of head of distal phalanx of little finger (pair)
239 lines
92.9 %
86.6 %
27 partial items
684 entities
Scientific notes |
Signature |
Type of list | P2F |
List Unit Identifier | 894 |
Sublist 1 | 896 scapula 74/25 on 9.10.2024 |
Sublist 2 | 919 clavicula 32/11 on 9.10.2024 |
Sublist 3 | 931 humerus 89/30 on 9.10.2024 |
Sublist 4 | 960 radius 68/23 on 9.10.2024 |
Sublist 5 | 980 ulna 56/19 on 9.10.2024 |
Sublist 6 | 998 ossa carpi 41/14 on 9.10.2024 |
Sublist 7 | 1012 ossa metacarpi 65/22 on 9.10.2024 |
Sublist 8 | 1017 phalanges manus 239/80 on 9.10.2024 |
Subtotals | subchildren 664 subunits 224 |
Proper children | 19 |
Number of children | 683 (validated) |
Proper units | 4 |
Number of units | 228 (validated) |
Signature | 1785 (validated since 9.10.2024) |
Date: 13.10.2024 |